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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

House Rep Jim Weidner Townhall not covered By News Register

House Rep(Seat 24) Jim Weidner held a "Health-care town hall. The NewsRegister was there, yet decided to not publish what happened. Why was that? Could it be the BI-Partisan panel was not knowledgeable? The panel consisted of local doctors, Insurance Representatives, And House Rep Ron Mauer from Grants Pass. Nope it was more of their declared war on conservatives. This panel had democrats, republicans, and independents. It explained how the proposed system would impact the doctors and Medicaid and Medicare. They also explained why so many doctors are not taking new patients.
  Dr Eric Swensson Explained The "RVU" system. Relative Value Unit system. This is how the doctors are paid from medicare and medicaid. The system gives you a number of credits per procedure. Example if you have an leg amputation it is paid at 29 R.V.U's.  1 RVU equal $29.31.  So you get $849.99. For the procedure. This includes 3 months post supervision. It take 44 RVU's for a doctor to break even per patient. They are losing money for every Medicaid/Medicare patient they take care of. The Senate health-care plan Cuts the money per RVU. Why would any private practice Doctor take a Medicaid/Medicare patient? That is why the seniors are in big trouble. Do the hospitals now pic up these patients private docs won't see? How do we get health-care to them without rationing health-care services?

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