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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

(D) Commissioner Mary Stern and her flip/ flop positions Part 1

Some straight talk is sorely needed in the Yamhill County Commissioner Race. Incumbent(D) Mary stern has gone on the record a lot lately. So I thought I would show some of her conflicting positions on the same subject.
 In an interview in march of 2010 in the "Sheridan Sun" Mary Stern put in writing a series of  proclamations about where she stands, so we thought!!  
  The first subject Mary Stern talked about was Land Use Planning. Mary Stern said "she wants to make land use matters as public as possible." She found herself on the losing side of several 2-1 votes where she opposed the opportunity  to support property rights. The subject was whether to approve some rural subdivisions, as land owners fought to get their claims in before the rules changed. Her defense for that was "I was in the minority and that is okay. It's important to have a divergent  point of view so everyone is represented in the county"
On April 15th 2010, before the McMinnville Kiwanis club debate, Mary Stern offered a different point of view.
She said land use planning has to be done in accordance to the law. That the facts are  presented and the law is applied. So in theory she is supposed to apply the law to the facts at hand. Yet when she had an opportunity to do just that she chose not to, because she wanted a divergent point of view to be expressed.
Translation she was opposed to the projects and voted no despite what the law said.

Our second  Issue revolves around the helicopter program aka the air support program. In a interview in the Newsregister on September of 2009, concerning why she chose not to fire or demote the head of air support
 she said:

"she did so because she felt commissioners, both past and present, carried some of the blame for not providing more diligent oversight. She said the commissioners had not established sufficiently clear direction or effective monitoring of the county's virtually one-of-a-kind air support program.
"We made a mistake there," she said. "We should have done a better job."

When interviewed by the "Sheridan Sun" March of 2010, the story had Changed:

In March of 2010, Mary Stern offered this explanation for why she chose not to do Fire or Demote Murry Paolo.
Mary Stern said "The controversy  on a lack of oversight by commissioner Leslie Lewis, who was the boards liaison for the operation. Mary also said "it lead the county to hire a full-time administrator to oversee the county depts." 
So which story do you believe? Which explanation is the truth?  The question gets to the heart of the matter. Can you trust her with the keys to multi-million dollar operation. You have a person giving differing answers to, some very important questions. It is A valid assumption is that (D)Mary Stern will say and do anything to get elected. This type of grip on power is not only bad, it is dangerous. We do not need someone who plays fast and loose with the truth and your tax dollars!!!