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Friday, January 15, 2010

Mac School district Violates Election Law

On Wednesday Columbus Elementary School sent home a flier from PTA via the classroom homework folder.

The district admitted that they were wrong and sent home a two sentence letter saying such. The Secretary of States office has received and is investigating the complaint
The union went on to violate the law further Thursday when one of its members wore a rally jacket on duty while, supporting the measures. The union in an Email to the MEA membership says the Jacket was a violation.
In a new twist today the teacher pictured above called the police today. "saying she feared for her safety when the picture was taken" Well why did she wait till after school today to call. Why not walk into the building and phone yesterday. She was disciplined today by the district today that is why.

A new issue has arisen, the union is using the districts email system to promote 66 and 67. When asked By Mac School District , the unions (MEA OEA) denied ever using the email for political purpose's. That is not true, we forwarded copies to the district showing that this existed and was happening . Still waiting for the results from that issue.To Dr Russell's credit she has been very cooperative in this matter so far.  We further reserve Judgment on the final outcome.

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